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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

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Table of Contents
Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 1-350

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Simple General Approximations for a Random Variable and its Inverse Distribution Function Based on Linear Transformations of a Nonskewed Variate

Haim Shore

pp. 1-23

An Exhaustive Analysis of Multiplicative Congruential Random Number Generators with Modulus $2^{31} - 1$

George S. Fishman and Louis R. Moore, III

pp. 24-45

Numerical Solutions for Bayes Sequential Decision Problems

Herman Chernoff and A. John Petkau

pp. 46-59

Computations of Mixtures of Dirichlet Processes

Lynn Kuo

pp. 60-71

Finite Algorithms for Huber's$M$-Estimator

D. I. Clark and M. R. Osborne

pp. 72-85

Numerical Methods for Robust Regression: Linear Models

David F. Shanno and David M. Rocke

pp. 86-97

A New Method in Order to Determine the most Significant Members within a Large Sample, in Problems of Surface Approximation

Mira Bozzini, Flavia de Tisi, and Licia Lenarduzzi

pp. 98-104

Censored Discrete Linear $l_1 $ Approximation

R. S. Womersley

pp. 105-122

Computing the Minimum Eigenvalue of a Symmetric Positive Definite Toeplitz Matrix

George Cybenko and Charles Van Loan

pp. 123-131

Solution of Systems of Complex Linear Equations in the $l_\infty $ Norm with Constraints on the Unknowns

Roy L. Streit

pp. 132-149

Efficient Algorithms for Computing the Condition Number of a Tridiagonal Matrix

Nicholas J. Higham

pp. 150-165

A Note on Monitoring the Stability of Triangular Decomposition of Sparse Matrices

J. L. Barlow

pp. 166-168

An Algorithm for Simultaneous Orthogonal Transformation of Several Positive Definite Symmetric Matrices to Nearly Diagonal Form

Bernhard N. Flury and Walter Gautschi

pp. 169-184

RGSVD—AN Algorithm for Computing the Kronecker Structure and Reducing Subspaces of Singular $A - \lambda B$ Pencils

Bo Kågström

pp. 185-211

A Hamiltonian $QR$ Algorithm

Ralph Byers

pp. 212-229

Front Tracking Applied to Rayleigh–Taylor Instability

J. Glimm, O. McBryan, R. Menikoff, and D. H. Sharp

pp. 230-251

A Front Tracking Method for One-Dimensional Moving Boundary Problems

Guillermo Marshall

pp. 252-263

A General Family of Nodal Schemes

J. P. Hennart

pp. 264-287

A Finite Difference Scheme for the Equilibrium Equations of Elastic Bodies

T. N. Phillips and M. E. Rose

pp. 288-300

Fully Adaptive Solutions of One-Dimensional Mixed Initial-Boundary Value Problems with Applications to Unstable Problems in Combustion

M. D. Smooke and M. L. Koszykowski

pp. 301-321

Interpolation Schemes for Collocation Solutions of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems

Steven Pruess

pp. 322-333

Smoother Interpolants for Adams Codes

H. A. Watts and L. F. Shampine

pp. 334-345

Implementing Dense Linear Algebra Algorithms Using Multitasking on the CRAY X-MP-4 (or Approaching the Gigaflop)

Jack J. Dongarra and Tom Hewitt

pp. 347-350